Sorry, I was not meaning to "hijack your thread". I probably got out of line here, for which I apologize. What got me hopping was Terry's question "What is Mysticism?" in which he seemed to me, via a quotation from Ayn Rand, to be pooh-poohing anything Mystical because it was "supernatural, unknowable, non-sensory, non-rationale, etc. (I have some familiarity with her "Atlas Shrugged" and "The Fountainhead", and her materialistic cult-like following of the 1960's)
In terms of other articles and sources and proofs, I will see what I can provide you with. There is a ton of experimental data, but it tends to be dry and lengthy, and would certainly not be appropriate on this forum.
I know that what I spoke of and presented here is, in some respects, considerably off-topic respecting "Mysticism and Interesting Thought by Rudolf Steiner". It's just that I detect there are some really deep thinkers here on this thread, and I was implying "Hold that thought (the title of this thread), while I address Terry's comments on the deficiencies of Mysticism. At the same time, Narkissos, when I read your comments about the internal limit of language and conceptualization, I could not help but feel how appropriate this article was in terms of thoughts and words having an influence on our internal DNA. We are talking here about our essence and our being, and this is, to me, connecting science with the mystical. For this reason, I do not feel that I was engaging in the fallacy of the "red herring", notwithstanding I was off-topic on Rudolf Steiner.
I do not disagree with your "Argument from Ignorance" principle. I just don't see it being relevant to my input here. I do not argue that Mysiticism, et al is true, simply because no-one can prove otherwise. Neither do I maintain that Mysticism and the paranormal do NOT exist, because no-one has shown any proof that they exist. I am saying there IS enough evidence of paranormal phenomena (i.e. operating beyond known physical laws) that science cannot readily dismiss or explain away. Instead of Science adopting the predisposition that this cannot be, and then inevitably finding a way to debunk it all, it is time for Science to adopt a more open mind, they should work more collaberatively with the Mystics and the Schools of the Paranormal, and then see what they discover. I believe they would discover untold wonders about this Universe that do defy all known physical laws, and would even discover the underlying explanations for the effects and experiences of the Mystics, etc. What possible harm could that be?
Further, I am not debating the benefits of Science vs. Mysticism here. What has that got to do with the question of whether Mysticism is grounded in reality or otherwise. Both Science and Mysticism are doorways of perception. It does not surprise me that Science, which is focussed on the physical level of reality, has produced many benefits for mankind. It has also done some serious damage, such as bombing and killing technologies and toxic chemicals and pollutants on land, air and water. And who knows where genetic engineering and cloning is going to lead us- human cloning and the food supply? Science without true spirituality (ethics?) will become our downfall.
What I am arguing is that Science and Mysticism may not be as far apart as we may think, and that they should work more closely together, rather than each denying and criticizing the other. The article above, IMO, gives compelling reason for this, and the potential benefits are enormous and revolutionary.
Rod P.